40% of web3 service users are bots. They destroy game economies, over-inflate marketing budgets, and flood everything with spam. Jig Analytics stops them from exploiting your product by analyzing both on- and off-chain data using fingerprinting ML algorithm.
It really makes a difference: Mines of Dalarnia used Jig to stop bots from stealing $60,000 per month, and Sunflower Land, a web3 game infamous for its economy collapsing due to fraud in Jan’22, is doing a bot-free relaunch, attracting a whole bunch of new users as well as growing trust in the old ones with Jig’s help.
Data visualization of one of web3 games. Every red cluster is a botnet.
Jig Analytics provides a wallet fingerprinting technology that detects multi-accounting and automation based on both on-chain and off-chain data.
All that it takes to start using Jig is one API method. We usually recommend running the check before something is being minted on the blockchain.
POST <https://api.usejigger.com/personhood/verify?secretKey=[...]?userWallet=[...]>
The API instantly responds with either {ok: true}
or HumanityCheckError {...}
array with a corresponding wallet status. For more info, check out the detailed API documentation.