40% of web3 service users are bots. They destroy game economies, over-inflate marketing budgets, and flood everything with spam. Jig Analytics stops them from exploiting your product by analyzing both on- and off-chain data using fingerprinting ML algorithm.

It really makes a difference: Mines of Dalarnia used Jig to stop bots from stealing $60,000 per month, and Sunflower Land, a web3 game infamous for its economy collapsing due to fraud in Jan’22, is doing a bot-free relaunch, attracting a whole bunch of new users as well as growing trust in the old ones with Jig’s help.

Data visualization of one of web3 games. Every red cluster is a botnet.

Data visualization of one of web3 games. Every red cluster is a botnet.

How Jig works?

Jig Analytics provides a wallet fingerprinting technology that detects multi-accounting and automation based on both on-chain and off-chain data.

  1. The check is instant and invisible to the user
  2. The database of malicious wallets is shared across all services that integrate with Jig Analytics
  3. Integration time: one developer-day
  4. Works with:

Integrating Jig

All that it takes to start using Jig is one API method. We usually recommend running the check before something is being minted on the blockchain.

POST <https://api.usejigger.com/personhood/verify?secretKey=[...]?userWallet=[...]>

The API instantly responds with either {ok: true} or HumanityCheckError {...} array with a corresponding wallet status. For more info, check out the detailed API documentation.

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